If you get into an auto accident in Southern Pines, North Carolina, you must deal with insurance companies to get a settlement. These companies hope you quickly accept their offer out of desperation and undervalue the damages. Here are common signs of lowball offers and how to deal with them.
Signs of lowball offers
One sign of a lowball offer is the provider making a fast offer before the accident damage has fully been assessed. It can take several days or even weeks to fully assess the damages of motor vehicle accidents and determine fault. Insurance companies want to protect themselves, so it isn’t unusual for them to ignore evidence before valuing claims.
After you describe your injuries and submit evidence, the company may try to minimize the injury or blame it on a precondition. Another sign of a lowball offer is if you ask the insurer to explain how they arrived at that figure, and they refuse. Companies making lowball offers may not respond to emails or phone calls, hoping it pressures you to accept the offer.
How to handle lowball offers
Don’t get so impatient that you cheat yourself out of compensation, and always be polite, but don’t apologize. Even if you’re not at fault, they could use the apology as an excuse to lower the offer. Never feel pressured to sign a medical release form so that the provider can search your past medical history.
Learn the reason the provider could be making a low offer, such as you being at fault or having a lack of experience. Make a counteroffer in writing and expect to go back and forth. Never accept a partial settlement because once you do, the claim has ended.
It’s important to get medical attention immediately after an accident no matter how you feel since some injuries can be delayed. Delaying treatment may make the condition seem less serious to the provider.